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お食事とカフェ 雑貨・お土産
Sweet and Delicious Toyomitsuhime Figs
Large Sweet Toyomitsuhime Figs Grown in the City,
Great for Health and Beauty
Tanaka-san, fig grower
Figs " Toyomitsu Hime"

Is the birthplace of Buzen : and ( Yutaka and I ) , sweet ( honey : honey ) is named after the " Toyomitsu princess " in its name as well strong sweetness of features figs ( figs ) , Fukuoka Prefecture limited It is the original brand . Sweet and big figs grown in the middle city , even health and beauty ideal. Please souvenir by all means .

You can purchase at the Shinsen Ichiba Sakurakan.

Freshly-Laid Fertilized Eggs
Nutritious born from chickens raised in free-range eggs
Free-Range Chicken Eggs

These are freshly-laid chicken eggs from hens allowed to roam freely. The eggs boast a high nutritional value and are one of Nakama Citys most delicious souvenirs that you will definitely want to bring home with you.

You can purchase at the Shinsen Ichiba Sakurakan.
