遠賀川水源地ポンプ室 コース紹介

This course is to feel the remnants of the town,
which flourished in the coal mine

Kamisokoino Dotenouchi Machinaka Nakasokoino Tenmangu Nakama Toritani Iwase Nagatsu

Nakama Flourished as a Coalmining Town The course runs along Nakama Station and Showamachi in the center of the town. It looks out onto Botayama (※)and passes through the entertainment district which was a center of “R&R” rest and recreation for the coalminers. Walking through it gives you a real feel for the history of Nakama. You will also come across stone statues famous around the world.

1. JR Nakama Station

The station was built in 1891. The adorable triangular roof of the entrance is quite impressive.

Entertainment District

When the area was prospering as a coalmining town years ago, the district was lined with many pubs and bars. The retro appearance of the streets, buildings, and signs is fun to look at.



The moai stone monoliths of Easter Island and other stone replicas at this open-air museum give you the feeling you’re taking a trip around the world.

4. Small Path of Encounter & Small Talk

A little spot located along Magarigawa River in the vicinity of the commercial district, it is the perfect place to take a break.

5. Coal Bed Remains

A black layer of rock thought to be very close to coal which you can only see here.

6. Korinji Temple

In the rear is a small mountain and in front is a residential area. The antiquated bamboo name plaque at the main hall bears a distinct character.


Many remain areas of natural and cultural assets


Course to walk the World Heritage location in 2015


Center and train station of the city flourished as a town of coal mine , course to walk the mall



Nature remains a lot , walk to the west bank of the Onga river course

Tenmangu Shrine

The course includes the Umeyasu Tenmangu Shrine and Soshagu Shrine where Sugawara-no-Michizane is said to have visited.

Nakama Toritani Course

This is a course composed by the students at the Fukuoka Prefectural Nakama High School. It is a course with a lot of hills, but also with many picturesque spots.

